Drill Library: 11 To Extend Drill

11 To Extend Drill

Understand Why We Do The Drill, :

  • Establishes alignment of head, hips and heels.
  • Promotes a longer, taller body with good posture
  • Teaches you to extend without dropping the elbow
  • Teaches you to reach from the lats and hips

How To Do It:

Body Position:

  • Laying face down in the water
  • Arms should be extended out in front of you in the “Number 11 Position”
  • Legs should be extended out behind you
  • Head and neck into a neutral position
  • Make your body as long as you can

The Movement:

  • Extend your right arm directly out in front of you as far as it will go, keeping your left arm in the same place.
  • Stretch until you feel you right hip start to roll slightly.
  • When it has reached as far as it can, return back to Number 11 and stretch your left arm out as far as it will go, this time feeling your left hip roll slightly.
  • Once you have reached and extended with both arms, you may breathe by raising your head (so only your mouth comes out the water) breath in through your mouth and place your head back down in the water.

Things To Focus On:

  • Stretch out directly in line with your shoulder
  • Keep your hands parallel to the bottom of the pool
  • Keep your head, hips and heels all in one straight line with each other.

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