SwimFast’s Online Personal Coaching Form

Welcome, and congratulations on taking the first steps to joining the SwimFast team!

I’m thrilled you’ve decided to invest in yourself and your swimming.

I’m going to teach you exactly how to construct your freestyle stroke, build you swim fitness and crush your swim goals.

I’ll share my drills and technique pointers that have taken me years to refine and master as a coach and swimmer. The same ones that I have used to help swimmers slash minutes off their race times. Lessons that have helped triathletes see swimming as a strength instead of their weakness!

Before we go any further, I need a little bit of information from you so I can set up a “get to know you” call. Please fill in your details below and I will send you an email in the next 24 hours!

It’s time to make things happen!




RoryOnline Personal Coaching Client Details