Drill Library: Side Kick Switch 8-8

Understand Why We Do The Drill, :

  • Teaches you to maintain a straight line from head to heels through the rotation
  • Helps you learn to integrate your hips and core into your stroke
  • Teaches you to swim Front Quadrant Freestyle
  • Teaches you to rely on your kick and core for balance when you breathe as opposed to your arms
  • Promotes a low, risky, streamlined breathing position

How To Do It:

Body Position:

  • Raise one hand up so that your fingers are pointed at the wall you are swimming towards while your other arm and hand should be at your side
  • Point you belly button at the side wall of the pool
  • Tuck your cheek into the armpit of your extend arm
  • Make your body as long as you can

The Movement:

  • Keeping your body in position complete 8 kicks on your right side
  • After completing 8 kicks rotate your core to the other side as you do a freestyle stroke and switch the positions of your hands
  • When you need to breathe turn your head to the side while keeping your shoulder and body still
  • Try to keep your head low with only one ear and one eye coming out the water

Things To Focus On:

  • Keep your head, hips & heels in a straight line
  • Extend in the direction you are swimming in
  • Keep your head still especially when you switch
  • Make the rotation snappy. Get aggressive as you switch.

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