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Technique will set the limit on where your fitness will take you. But technique on it’s own will only carry you through 4-5 minutes of swimming.
When you keep your head low during the freestyle breath you’ll sustain your pace with less effort and hold your speed for longer periods of time. Learn how to keep your head in a good position through the breath
Your training time is limited. You want to be certain each workout is helping you achieve your goal. Here’s two ways you can do just that.
Sucky Slow Swim Days happen. They even happen to the very best athletes in the world and I’m sure they happen to you too. Here’s how to handle them.
Olivier dropped 30 seconds from his 800 Freestyle time this month!! In this post I explain how he did it and give you a subtle trick you can use to make sure you dominate the goals you set yourself.
The key to your success lies in crossing off the smaller goals every day so at the end of the season you’ll have achieved the big goal you set yourself.
Whatever your version of fast looks like, you that you can have it.
But like most things in life, it won’t come for free.
The speed and efficiency of your freestyle stroke is directly related to the length of your body. By swimming front quadrant freestyle you will create a more efficient stroke that you can learn to build speed from. Here’s how to swim front quadrant freestyle.
In 2012 I failed to make the Olympic team. Finishing 3rd in the 200 Breaststroke I didn’t make the cut but I wouldn’t change any of my experiences for the world. Here’s why.
On the evening of May 29th 2007 I lay in a hospital unable to sit up, questioning if I would ever be able to swim fast again. Today I won my first National title and boosted my confidence in achieving my dream of swimming in the Olympic Games.
Running is for Athletes that can’t… can’t catch, can’t throw, can’t hit a ball, can’t swim, can’t ride a bike… I mean there is no skill involved whatsoever, it’s just like walking, only faster… Right? Wrong! Friends, let me share something with you.
The water doesn’t allow you to communicate while you train, it sucks you into a world of confinement filled with a blurry view of a black line and a pace clock…
Let me email you the Complete Guide + 6 Bonus Drill Videos, 7 Explanation Videos and links to tons more articles, guides and podcasts. All for free!